
Dear Ros

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Dear Ros,

It’s nearly 7 months since you wandered off to the big tattoo parlour in the sky… 7 months that feel like years… yet also just a heartbeat ago.

It’s been strange without you. It didn’t seem real at first, I was so used to you being in and out of the hospice that I still expected you to call with my daily orders of what you wanted brought in… I’ve never known anyone to need as many clothes as you did!…. And it’s true to say that my eyes rolled more than the lies of Boris Johnson’s tongue!

I miss my calls in the wee hours because you were awake and missing me, I miss the text messages, that made no sense but always made me laugh!

I even miss the calls when you were so out of it because of your medication that you were scared … I miss them because I know you are longer scared but in those moments you were so damn honest that I couldn’t have loved you more… I couldn’t say or do anything to stop your fear but the fact that you could be that honest brought us closer together.

I tried so hard to keep things “normal”, just as you wanted…but at times it was so bloody difficult.

I miss you. I miss your banter, how you were always trying to help others, even after your death. I miss your laugh, your tutting and your crabbiness.

It had been funny finding out how many people you told to look after me! Silly bugger. But thank you.

The kitchen is no longer rearranged on a weekly basis. The floors are only hoovered when Yvonne comes in. I am still spoiling the dogs (still shouting at them too!). Your craft room is now a spare room again and I managed to paint the decking.. twice!! (Took me a while as I had to do it sitting down!).

The garden is looking fabulous.. thanks to Andrew, Kate, Willie and of course… me!… although I’m only able to take credit for the pots and wielding the garden hose!

The next big job is the summerhouse.. as in clearing it out!! So much stuff that you said you had taken to the tip has miraculously found it’s way into the back of the summerhouse!! … I wonder how that happened? After a few choice words, I laughed, it was just so.. YOU!

How I wish I could nag you and tell you to get up to the tip with it all… but I can’t… so I will sift through it… no doubt cursing you a bit more, but laughing … and probably wiping away a wee tear too.

So… I’m getting there. Life has found its new normality, I’ve found my peace again, so I will say thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me and thank you for being the most stubborn, laid back, bravest woman I ever had the chance to share part of my life with.

Keep rocking x


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It’s been a strange (in a good way) few weeks. Although my mobility is definitely worsening, my little boot scooter had opened up my world again…. And just being able to get out and about without being in real pain (and crabbit), suddenly the worlds my oyster again… well up to 10 miles of it before I have to recharge my scooter battery!

Today I had a great trip to Scone Palace for PotFest (of the ceramic type)… it was great!!… although my scooter driving skills were put to the test as I avoided knocking exhibits or people down!

After living under so much pain and stress for so long, it’s a fantastic feeling to realise that my stress and the frustration I held for my own capabilities (or lack of), have both just gone… I’m coming alive again. I like it.


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Very true.


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This is my new mantra. Life has kicked me hard at times and there have been moments when it took every piece of me to get up and get on with existing. Not living … existing. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt like this… and not the only one who has lost peace of heart and of mind.

I’m not the greatest at reaching out but since I lost Ros, and physically being less able to do many things I used to do, I have found it easier, due to the great support that so many gave and continue to give.

This is a new stage in my life… the first steps in a journey that I intend to make on my own. I really do not want another relationship, maybe I’m too cynical or just too damn lazy… I’m very comfortable with that decision… although I think I need to improve my cooking skills!

Memories and leaky eyes

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A memory came up on my time line on Facebook today… it was a happy occasion, the wedding of my very good friends Zoe and Leanne.

I took their ceremony and by the time the evening guests arrived (including Ros)… I was very drunk! Which is very unusual for me, I rarely drink!

Poor Ros was on driving duty that night… (the ONLY time)… and as you can see, she wasn’t to happy about it! Even less so the next day when I didn’t want to get out of bed!

It’s such a shame that cancer stole her life in November 2022 at only 52 years old. She was the bravest and most caring woman I ever knew… even if she could put me in my place!

My Ros. My wife. I miss her.

Calm shores

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A happy memory of Brae on a beach

I feel deeply and I think deeply. This is both a curse and a blessing.

I sometimes step back from delving deep into my thoughts and feelings, just leaving them lying dormant behind a wall of keeping myself busy so my thoughts and focus are on anyone or anything apart from me.

This is my self preservation. My comfort blanket that stops the hurt and sometimes negative thoughts and doubt from over whelming me.

I know I close down, I know I exist instead of live. I know all this, but still I do it, it’s my way.

Then something simple happens, a conversation with a kindred spirit, who understands what it is like to face deep thoughts… and suddenly my own deep thoughts don’t feel so overwhelming… and all of a sudden I can really think again… and it is not as scary or painful as I thought it would be.

The waves of hurt that used to crash down on me have ebbed… calm shores have returned and I’m so relieved.

Life still has much to offer and although I still doubt I have the emotional strength or will to ever want a partner or a relationship again, I realise that there are still great people out there that can touch my life in a special way and right now, that’s huge!


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The last four years have been been life … and death changing.

After the heartache of losing a woman I loved with all my heart due to her lies snd cheating, I was a bit cynical about women and after having a couple of disastrous dates, I decided to give up and just stay single.

The day I went online to cancel subscriptions to a couple of lesbian dating sites, I noticed a message from a woman, who just happened to live locally.

To cut a long story short, we decided to meet for lunch at a local beach side cafe, in Aberdour. Ros had just come out of an abusive relationship and so we both had a lot of hurt and trust issues… but perhaps we recognised that the hurt of our pasts somehow bonded us… and our lunch meet became our first date!

Little did we know then that our journey together was going to be life changing, in more ways than one.

A year into our relationship, Lockdown happened and it was then that we decided that Ros should move in with me.

Just 6 months later, Ros was diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer…. And so began a new journey.

Ros had to undergo a huge operation, that caused additional problems and caused a delay to her chemo and radiotherapy treatment. In the middle of all this her mum passed, and with the exception of just s few of her family, her relatives were downright disgusting. Ros came through this with dignity and strength, that left me in awe of her.

Then my mum became ill and eventually a place had to be found for her in a care home. Thankfully she settled in well and it was one less thing to worry about.

Unfortunately, my arthritis decided to make life even more difficult… and my mobility is now badly effected, leaving me only able to walk short distances with crutches.

Just after this happened, Ros’s cancer returned and this time it was terminal. Ros had asked me numerous times to marry her… I had always said no… but when she was told she was terminal, she gave me no choice and so in August 2022 we married in the hospice gardens. The next few months were a cycle of Ros coming home, being in tremendous pain, or drugged up to such a level that she couldn’t function. It was hard for Ros and hard for me… the emotions switched from sadness through frustration to anger and despair. The medication removed a huge part of reasoning but without it Ros was in agony.

Through all of this I was working full time, running her to appointments or visiting the hospice, all while trying to juggle the dogs and visiting my mum… and I found it tough.. both emotionally and physically. Sometimes I felt I was going to break, I had never found life so tough… then I stepped back and realised how selfish my thoughts were… and that is when the guilt started. I was tired, but Ros was dying. I was frustrated but she was scared… and I couldn’t do anything to fix that.

Ros passed peacefully in November. Myself, her niece Natalie and her gf Laura were by her side for days and nights… Ros didn’t wake for 4 days and when Ros did pass, it was in the middle of laughter… I like to think she could still hear us… and I tell everyone she died laughing, I like to think she did.

This is my photo tribute to the kindest, bravest and sometimes most annoying woman I knew… and loved.

Ros on our wedding day
When we first met
Our last wee break away together to Duck Bay, Loch Lomond
My friends and Ros’s ashes completing a sponsored walk she planned to do
The scattering of Ros’s ashes

Kick Start

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Well… it is time I grabbed my feather duster and cleared out the dust in here!

My poor blog has been sadly ignored for far too long. There are a hundred reasons that will become clearer as my posts appear. In many ways it’s been a tough time emotionally, physically and mentally… but even though I continued writing during all of this, most of my thoughts were not for my blog.

Anyhoo… I have decided to finish reading my “personal” words and then delete them…I have been guilty of holding on to thoughts and people who belong in the past and do not deserve a place in my life. It is my own fault, I tend to see the good in people and obviously suffered from colour blindness when it came to red flags!

I have been guilty of false love. Loving a woman who didn’t really exist… just a chameleon, who changed with the wind, and proved to be s liar. This false love stopped me from really opening my heart to a woman who truly deserved it. I was too scared.

There are things that happen in life that we cannot fix, I did love this woman and we did marry. Even though I said No many times, Ros never gave up. Not even when cancer had her screaming in pain. When she received her terminal diagnosis, her first words to me were “well, you can’t say no now”… and I didn’t.

We married in a small ceremony in the hospice gardens at the Queen Margaret Hospice in August 2022 and it was at the hospice that Ros passed the following November.

I loved Ros, I still do, but she deserved so much more of my heart and for that I will always feel guilty.

I have been asked if I think I will have another relationship… and the answer is no. I do not have the emotional strength to face another relationship, I’m worn out with emotions, I really don’t think I have enough in me to succeed in a relationship.

On top of all of this, I am also now disabled. The arthritis in my hips can hopefully be helped by having both hips replaced but there is nothing that can be done for my hands and spine…. I feel like an emotional and physical liability, I wouldn’t wish me on anyone.

So…. I shall learn to love me and spend the rest of my life simply pleasing myself. Selfish, maybe, I see it as self preservation

That is love.


ImageA friend of mine posted something on Facebook today …   part of it is posted below:

“I fall in “LIKE” easily…. But it’s very hard for me to fall in “LOVE”…. Let me explain.

In the beginning people show you the best side of them, the side they know you’ll like… They always seem almost perfect and you can’t believe your luck. You can’t believe someone who’s almost perfect and single is giving you an opportunity…. and that’s why I fell in “LIKE” really easily…. Because I liked what they were showing me in the beginning. I started thinking this person’s great, amazing, almost perfect and I can see a future….. 
Here’s where it changed…. They’ll do something, say something or start to change their character in a way where you’re like “hold on this isn’t the person I liked”…. 
Too many people are “temporary” or “throw away” because they’re fake or can’t be truly themselves in the beginning. And that’s why I find it hard to fall in “LOVE”.
I just wanted someone who’s consistently the same. No switching and changing on me.”

This rung a chord with me … 

People will say what they think you want to hear in order to get what they want.   I have fallen for some wonderful old lines “Im not like that” “let me show you what it feels to be loved” .. and in the end they have been just words.   

I do not think I am a particularly complex person .. simple things make me happy … I like peace, I like to laugh, I like to feel secure and wanted.

I cannot stand being constantly let down, disappointed, not listened to or feel like I am being used…. or in one case, like a secret that was too embarrassing to admit to.   Yet, in a relationship, I find that this is often how I feel.

I made a conscious decision to take time out for myself a couple of years ago .. I needed the time to concentrate on fixing me rather than trying to always be the support for someone else.  It is a decision I do not regret, it has made me see myself in a different light, what I need, what I want and to let things go that used to play on my mind.    

I have been very lucky with the close friends that I have, who have understood that sometimes I just need to be alone .. to potter, to do nothing, to think … to be me… but if I have needed them or wanted company, they have been there with their silent, but very appreciated, support.

I have a very different life to the one I had a year ago … I have no stress, no worry, I have peace in my heart and in my mind . and it is truly a beautiful thing to realise that you wake up happy every morning.

Maybe I am destined to remain single … I am certainly not worried about whether I meet someone or not .. but I do know that when, and IF, I do meet someone it will not be someone who sets my soul on fire for a short time … it will be someone who makes me feel the embers always, someone I can rely on.  Someone who gives me peace.

For me, that is love.

The Richness of Life

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Over the last two years my life and my circumstances have changed beyond recognition.

The depression brought on by stress was a very tough time, but in hindsight it made me stop and look at my life and what really made me happy rather than what I thought would make me happy.

I know I am a woman of two halves.   I love my friends and socialising and yet I love time on my own, in my peace.

Lately my circumstances have curtailed the times I can spend socialising.    I have had to plan what i can do, I have had to hold my hands up and say “sorry, I can’t make it” … sometimes I have lied and used various excuses rather than admit the real reason .. but the more I think about it .. it is the embarrassment of not having money that makes me do this and the question I then ask is .. why?  …. I have no idea .. so … I have decided to be honest and say please excuse me if you think I am being unsociable, but I have to pull the belt in for a few months.

The strange thing about having no money is the peace I have found…. maybe it is a mixture of now embarking on something that I want to do rather than I have to do … maybe it is because I realise that I do not need a lot of money to be happy, I have peace in my mind once again.  I am happy.     

No amount of money can buy that.

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