Today on PinkSofa has been a bit of a baffling one.

Two people on there, one ex friend and one recent friend have been messaging each other about me.  I don’t know who started it .. I don’t know why but now I am portrait as some kind of bastard when I have done nothing.   I didn’t even know they were messaging each other.

I am getting more and more disillusioned with lesbians .. there never seems to be any truth and people just seem to want to use me.

I have no time for mind games, guilt trips or for being responsible for making someone feel good about themselves.

I have really had enough .. I had years of feeling like shit about myself and I really do not want more hassle or bother ..

I want an easy life with a partner who is honest, wants me and loves me for who I am.I don’t think I’m asking for the world so why does it seem impossible to find?

I Like this quote I dislike this quoteMy wish isn’t to mean everything to everyone but something to someone.