
Politics .. urghhhh! BUT this is important!

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It is not often I take an interest in politics .. apart from to “tut” now and again at some of the weird and wonderful things that come out of both the Scottish and UK Government’s bowels.

However, sometimes I do take a strong opinion on things .. and today is one of them.

For those of you who do not know him, Brian Souter (owner of Stagecoach) claims to be a religious man, but again, one of those bigots who hides behind religion in order to justify his hatred.

He donated a million pounds to the campaign to keep clause 28 .. You can read about him on Wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Souter

Mr Souter has been awarded a knighthood and there is a campaign to have this revoked.

It is free to sign and you can sign it here http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/notosoutersknighthood/

Is it right that such a bigot can be rewarded just because he has money and gives money to the SNP?

There is something very wrong with our country if this is the case.

He is simply an evil man who uses religion to justify his bigoted views.  Its about time decent people stood up to people like him.

Should you fight for love?


I was speaking to a friend last night who was asking my advice (I know .. I laughed too!) ..  

Her “problem” was that she had met someone who she really liked but the relationship is not going smoothly.  The girl who she has met was honest with her from the start and said she was not looking for a serious relationship and was dating other people.

My friend however, wants to take this relationship to a new level.  She asked me whether she should lay her cards on the table and fight for this.

My first instinct was to tell her that she had to sit down and talk to her “friend” but on reflection I think I may have given her the wrong advice.

Relationships have to be a two way thing, both of you need to put effort in.  A one sided relationship never works and the person putting the most effort in is usually the one who gets hurt.

I have twice fought to keep a relationship going, once I lost, once I thought I had won.  In reflection I never won.  It ended up being a relationship where I felt I was the one putting all the effort in with no emotional or physical return and in the end I just gave up.   In hindsight I was wrong to fight, I should have just let it go and moved on.

Maybe I’m too cynical these days to fight, maybe I’m just tired, I don’t know.  What I do know is that no matter how good you are at fighting in the end you will lose.

I know that there are women out there who like to be fought for.  What that says about their insecurities and their emotional maturity needs a wiser woman than me to work out but I know that I would never again want to be with a woman who made me fight for her.

Cynical or wise?   I’m not sure!

Comments for and against welcome!



Those of you that know me, know that I am a keen recycler .. and I’m also a Fifer, reknowned for our short arms and long pockets!

I love Freegle .. I give stuff away, I’ve picked up some lovely plants for my garden and have watched in wonderment as people have given away amazing stuff .. including a 17 ft boat!

My wee cottage is still in need of a little TLC, and because I am thinking of having either a real fire or log burner installed I thought I would do something about the broken tiles on my fire hearth.

I asked on Freegle today if anyone had double edged rounded tiles from an old fireplace they wanted to get rid off.  Within 2 minutes of posting my message I had an email back from a lovely chap saying he was renovating his house and I was welcome to any of the old tiles that I wanted.

I emailed him back with my number and he rang to discuss directions.  We arranged for me to pop over this evening after work to pick them up.

Off I trotted (all dressed up with open toe sandals on because we had a photo taken for a local newspaper today) to his house this evening, driving through a thunderstorm and floods to get there.

He met me at the door, all smiley and nice and welcomed me in .. the house was in a bit of a state, but when you are renovating and pulling fireplaces out it is bound to be.. right … WRONG!!

The fireplace was still in one piece and he handed me a hammer and wall scraper (not even a proper thing to remove tiles with!) and stood there yapping to me about how his wife had run off with a 21 year old so he had decided to pull the house to bits to get the valuation lowered! … it then dawned on me that he wasn’t really renovating he was just wrecking the place.

The leather sofa’s had also been spray painted … the electricity wires hanging out the wall and the doors hanging off the wall…

There is me .. sandals, work clothes, chipping away at tiles trying to make small talk and all the time just wanting to get out of that place.  In the end I managed to smash about 4 tiles and announced (probably much too cheerfully) ..” oh these are great .. this will do me”.

I left got in my car and had to laugh at my situation .. it never dawned on me to ask if the tiles were still stuck to the fireplace ..

I learned a lesson ..   even if it did freak me out a bit!

Oh … and the broken bits of tiles … they are in the bin!


Expectation and Acceptance

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photo by hto2008

All of us have expectations from life, love and ourselves that we try to accomplish and reach every day of our lives.

From the moment we are born we are in a world where expectations of us, by us and by others effects everything we do, every decision we make and every moment we breathe.

As we meander down our path of life we will often fall short of these expectations, whether we choose to or inadvertently do so.  This is life.



This is the wonderful crazy world we live in where expectations will lead to disappointment in reality.

As people, the pressure of expectation from others but more importantly from ourselves is the driving force that pushes us ahead in life, keeps us going, keeps us human.

We will never receive all we expect from life or from someone and the balance between expectation and acceptance can be a battle that will never be won.

When we can accept that we will never reach all that is expected of us, professionally or emotionally then the world seems a much friendly place.

Not everyone will accept that their expectation of us is unrealistic, not everyone will accept differences but that is their attitude and one thing that we cannot expect to change, we just have to accept it.

I know that from previous experiences in life that I have often failed peoples expectation of me and more importantly what I have expected from myself. There is little I can about this apart from accept it.    I realised today that throughout all my previous relationships and failures the one common factor in this is me.

I have two choices now .. do I beat myself up about it, or accept it for what it is?

I have decided to accept it.   The past is in the past, I cannot change it and, in a way, I really do not want to.   I have learned lessons that will allow me to continue to evolve as the imperfect person that I am.

I am happy to accept that.

With thanks to Facebooks Ena Sharples!

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I posted a blog earlier this week and one of the comments I had back rang a note with me that I felt I should share.

Funny enough I have been described in the past as being “a tree” .. maybe it’s because of my twigs …

“Sometimes we can choose the path we take and so can accept the consequences easily. Sometimes a chain of events beyond our control forces us onto a path which we would not have normally walked and so facing those consequences is much harder and leaves a much bitter taste in the mouth.
Whichever path we walk and whatever the outcome we learn….. the more difficult the path the more significant the learning. This learning eventually takes us to a place we like to be and want to be…our comfort zone! That lovely, squidgy, warm, snuggly, happy, safe, secure nest that we all want to live in and stay in is strongly built of twigs and sticks, each of these twigs and sticks has a name – sadness, anger, failure, abuse, difficult, hurt, lonely, pain, ill, loss, grief and so on but because of these negative aspects of life we are able to recognise and access the staggering beauty, fun, colour, community and peace that is the wonderful world we all live on!”

A week of mixed emotions


The last week or so have been a bit of an up and down time for me.. for various reasons that I do not really want to go into in any depth but Ive gone from being extremely happy to being desperately sad and then through friendships (old and new) that I have made,  back to being in a place that feels positive and even a little exciting!

Sometimes things do not turn out as you hope in life, that, as they say “is life” and sometimes it gives you a hard little nip on the bum.   How we choose to deal with this is all about attitude.  I have learned over the many up and downs in my life that nothing, no matter how bad, or how good it feels, will ever stay that way.  Things change, we change, life moves on.

What we are left with are memories that we can keep with us, take with us and learn from. These memories, good or bad do shape our future and hopefully we will remember them from time to time.

I know I will.





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